Continued from Day 58, Part 1
Photo 6. Remember Little Brown who hiked 6 miles up and then back so he could hike it again when it was clear and have a view? And who I asked to pick up my p-style for me? He overtook me more or less when I thought he would, mid afternoon at my second water stop and did deliver my p-style as promised. (This sweet man also did another check for my lost merino underwear, but to no avail. )
Photo 7. River in front of the lovely little waterfalls at my second water stop.
Photo 8. The photo fails to show all the gossamer-winged seeds floating through the air between silver trees in this burn area. I thought of those seeds, in the midst of the destruction of fire, catching and riding the waves of the wind. You have to imagine it from other photos of silver ghost trees and times you've seen dozens of fluffy winged seeds floating through the air. Let the air the seeds ride be our inspiration for riding the next wave (even in the midst of destruction, as in this burn area) and so this will be Bonnie's wave for today.
I guess that's all. The day was so beautiful it deserves more than I have the energy to give. I did have an interesting experience washing out my underwear at the water stop. I kept trying to figure a way to do it privately. Finally I just sat down, pulled my pants and underpants off, draped my outer pants on my lap and rinsed the underpants and wrung them out well and slipped them back on (knowing they'd dry fast) and then pulled the outer pants on. With just one pair of underpants this fell in the "it just needs to be done" category.
Happy trails. I will miss our little family of trail friends gathered together around this blog as much as I will miss the trail. This is an important part of the trail for me. Every night I write doesn't matter if I write badly or well I do my best to find some words to share the day along with the pictures. (Well, every night except when Chrissy was here.) This practice and our connection is for me part of the hike. Thank you again. (And again and again).
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