Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Riv's 2015 PCT, Day 46, Part 2

Day 46, Monday, August 10, Part 2

Continued from Day 46, Part 1

 Photo 6. For a moment turning on a switchback and seeing this, I thought it was Mt Hood. Here I am after all in Mt Hood Wilderness since yesterday and I have yet to catch even a glimpse of Mt Hood (except way back when I first saw them lined up; Washington, three-fingered Jack, Jefferson and in the distance Mt Hood.) But as soon as I reoriented I knew I was looking back at Mt Jefferson. I really can't tell all these majestic glaciated peaks apart. I know which is which because others point them out or because of where they are. 

Photo 7. At a murky shallow lake named Jude Lake, I play the Beatles' Hey Jude ("Take a sad song and make it better") and proceed to walk out on one of the logs and rinse out my socks, gaiters and shirt (though I can see the murky water actually makes it dirtier than when I started). I enjoy the ritual of wringing things out, and the damp shirt makes me feel refreshed. I pretend that it's cleaner. (I am particularly proud of the fact that when I couldn't find anything to hang my water filter gravity system from, I lengthened a pole, propped it up, and used it successfully. 

Photo 8. This little guy held perfectly still and let me take his photo -/ I was concerned he might be ill. But then he hopped energetically off and disappeared. 

Photos I did not take: the ground covered with hail (mostly 1/4 inch in diameter-- I thought of My friends Steve and Anne talking about 1 inch hail-- hail the size of golf balls--and as I felt the sting of being pelted with 1/4 inch hail, I felt deeply grateful that it was not the size of golf balls.). The rain flooding and filling the trail and rushing downhill. I was really too distraught to take a photo, but also did not have my iPhone in a ziplock bag and did not want to get it wet. 

The cell coverage report suggests I should have some coverage right here, and tomorrow down trail a bit. I hope it turns out to be right. It's been pretty much three days (Sat, Sun, Mon) without coverage. I would like to upload these blogs, check my texts and emails, talk with my Chrissy. 

I forgot to tell you about Olallie Lake. I met two young people, just about to start college, who walked the Camino last summer as part of a school trip. I wonder if the teacher I met ( who was guiding several former students on a hike of the Oregon PCT), who told me he had led student trips walking the Camino, might have been their teacher. Of course I didn't know his name so couldn't check. They were great young people and clearly the Camino was transformative for them. As it was for me-- among other things, leading me to retire and walk the PCT. Also an incredible bonding experience for Chris and me in our marriage to experience it together and to love experiencing it together so much. 

That's all folks. Happy Trails to you til we meet again. 

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